HIIT(High intensity interval training)
- HIIT ( high intensity interval training ) is short in duration (5-20 minutes ) and higher in intensity.
- HIIT training involves short bursts of very hard / high intensity work usually around 20 minutes.
- HIIT workout look like performing as many reps as possible of each exercise at max efforts.
- Doesn’t require many sessions in a week to achieve results.
- Increase metabolic rate
LIIT : ( low intensity interval training)
- LIIT ( low-intensity steady state is longer in duration ( 30-60 minutes) and lower in intensity.
- Its performed at a steady pace so that you can sustain your energy for the entire duration.
- LISS cardio is designed to keep your heart rate at a sustainable rate, but still pushing your limits.
- Improve cardiovascular health
- You can do LIIT every-day