Audit Yourself Before You Begin

BMI Calculator

BMI or Body mass index is a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to adult men and women.
Based on this underweight to obese categories are divided.

Disclaimer : This tool is intended for information use only. Do not rely on it to make decisions about your health.
Always consult your doctor for personal medical advice.

Disclaimer : This tool is intended for information use only. Do not rely on it to make decisions about your health. Always consult your doctor for personal medical advice.

BMR Calculator

BMR or Basal Metabolic Rate is the energy spent when your body is at rest. These are the minimum calories
needed for your organs to work when you are in complete rest.

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Body Fat Calculator

Based on your specific measurements, your total body fat will be calculated using this Body Fat Calculator.

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One Repetition Max Calculator

Your one-rep max(1RM) is the max weight you can lift for a single repetition for a given exercise.

Appropriate value for repetations lie between (1-12)

Appropiate value for repetations lie between (1-12)

TDEE Calculator

TDEE stands for “Total Daily Energy Expenditure” i.e. energy a person uses in a day. It may vary from day to day and the type of activity being carried on.

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